You can view Backup Logs by going to Settings and Logs. For more information on logs please see the following article CloudM Automate Logs .
You can set up notifications for log events. Please see the Log Notifications article.
Below is a table containing all of the Backup related logs with further information on what each log type will display.
Backup Log - Operation Type | Meaning |
BackupDataPurgeScheduled |
Displays backup data that is scheduled to be purged. |
BackupDataPurged |
Displays backup data that has been purged. |
BackupDataViewed |
Displays users who have viewed Shared Drives/users Backup data. |
BackupDriveDeltaPaused |
Displays delta backups that have been paused for Drive. This is due to 5 consecutive delta backup failures. |
BackupDriveDeltaResumed |
Displays delta backups that have been resumed for Drive. |
BackupFailed |
Displays users/Shared Drives where the initial backup has failed. |
BackupMailDeltaPaused |
Displays delta backups that have been paused for Mail. This is due to 5 consecutive delta backup failures, |
BackupMailDeltaResumed |
Displays delta backups that have been resumed for Mail. |
BackupPartialRestoreAborted |
Displays item restorations that have been aborted during the restoration process. |
BackupPartialRestoreFailed |
Displays item restorations that have failed. |
BackupPartialRestoreStarted |
Displays item restorations that have been started and by whom. |
BackupPartialRestoreSucceeded |
Displays item restorations that have been completed successfully. |
BackupPolicyAssignFailed |
Displays backup policies that have failed to assign to a user or Shared Drive. |
BackupPolicyAssigned |
Displays backup policies that have been assigned to a user or Shared Drive. |
BackupPolicySyncFailed |
Displays failed backup policy syncs. We sync backup policies every 4 hours. |
BackupPolicySyncSucceeded |
Displays successful backup policy syncs. We sync backup policies every 4 hours. |
BackupPreparePartialRestoreAborted |
Before CloudM backup starts the process of moving restored data it runs a preparation task. This displays item restorations that were aborted during the preparation task. |
BackupPreparePartialRestoreStarted |
Before CloudM backup starts the process of moving restored data it runs a preparation task. This displays item restorations where the preparation task has been started. |
BackupPreparePartialRestoreSucceeded |
Before CloudM backup starts the process of moving restored data it runs a preparation task. This displays item restorations where the preparation task has succeeded. |
BackupPreparePartialRestoreFailed |
Before CloudM backup starts the process of moving restored data it runs a preparation task. This displays item restorations where the preparation task has failed. |
BackupPrepareRestoreAborted |
Before CloudM backup starts the process of moving restored data it runs a preparation task. This displays full restorations that were aborted during the preparation task. |
BackupPrepareRestoreStarted |
Before CloudM backup starts the process of moving restored data it runs a preparation task. This displays full restorations where the preparation task has been started. |
BackupPrepareRestoreSucceeded |
Before CloudM backup starts the process of moving restored data it runs a preparation task. This displays full restorations where the preparation task has succeeded. |
BackupPrepareRestoreFailed |
Before CloudM backup starts the process of moving restored data it runs a preparation task. This displays full restorations where the preparation task has failed. |
BackupPurgeFailed |
Displays failed backup purges. |
BackupPurgeSkipped |
Displays skipped backup purges |
BackupRestoreAbortStarted |
Displays full restorations where someone has started an abortion of the restoration. |
BackupRestoreAborted |
Displays successfully aborted full restorations. |
BackupRestoreFailed |
Displays full restorations that have failed. |
BackupRestoreInsufficientPermissions |
Displays full restorations that have failed due to the user triggering the restoration having insufficient permissions to restore Backups. |
BackupRestoreSkipped |
Displays full restorations that have been skipped and by whom. |
BackupRestoreStarted |
Displays full restorations that have been started and by whom. |
BackupRestoreSucceeded |
Displays full restorations that have been completed successfully. |
BackupSingleTeamDrivePolicySyncFailed |
When a Shared Drive policy is applied to all Shared Drives and this process fails it will be displayed here. |
BackupSingleTeamDrivePolicySyncSuccess |
When a Shared Drive policy is applied to all Shared Drives and this process is successful it will be displayed here. |
BackupTeamDrivePolicySyncFailed |
When a Shared Drive fails to sync to a Shared Drive policy it will be displayed here. |
BackupTeamDrivePolicySyncSucceeded |
When a shared drive successfully syncs to a Shared Drive policy it will be displayed here. |
BackupSucceeded |
Displays Initial Backups that have been completed successfully. |
BackupWarning |
Displays Initial Backups that have been completed with errors. |