Destination Platform prerequisites
Please follow the steps in the Amazon S3 Configuration article to create a storage bucket
Configure Source Platform settings
Account Details
- Domain Name – The name of the domain to migrate from. This may be either a primary or secondary domain. Note: you can only migrate users to one domain at a time. If you have both primary and secondary domain users, they must be processed in separate migrations.
- Access Key - The Amazon S3 access key.
- Secret Key - The Amazon S3 secret key.
Amazon S3 Details
- Bucket Name - The name of the bucket that has been created in Amazon Web Services (AWS).
- Bucket Region - The AWS region where the bucket resides e.g. eu-west-1 etc
Amazon S3 Options
- Page Size - The maximum number of objects to fetch per List operation.
Encryption Options
Please note that encryption options are optional.
- KMS Key Id - The id of the AWS Key Management Service key that Amazon S3 should use to encrypt and decrypt the object
Configure Destination Platform settings
Account Details
- Domain Name – The name of the domain to migrate to. This may be either a primary or secondary domain. Note: you can only migrate users to one domain at a time. If you have both primary and secondary domain users, they must be processed in separate migrations.
- Access Key - The Amazon S3 access key.
- Secret Key - The Amazon S3 secret key.
Amazon S3 Details
- Bucket Name - The name of the bucket that has been created in Amazon Web Services (AWS).
- Bucket Region - The AWS region where the bucket resides e.g. eu-west-1 etc
Amazon S3 Options
- Max File Size - The maximum size of the files to be uploaded (in bytes).
- Compress Objects - Compress the objects before they are uploaded. Setting to True will use less cloud storage space at the expense of slowing down the import.
Encryption Options
Please note that encryption options are optional.
- KMS Key Id - The id of the AWS Key Management Service key that Amazon S3 should use to encrypt and decrypt the object
Select which users to migrate
It's now time to add which users you'd like to migrate.
When migrating, you may be able to Get Users from the actions menu. If this option is unavailable, you can manually import users via a CSV file or simply add them individually via the plus icon.
Selecting a star next to any specific user or users will prioritize their migration. When a migration starts, threads will be assigned to any starred user so that their migration can start immediately.
At this point you can choose what to migrate for each user, you can migrate mail , contacts and calendars.
Enter your user's full email address within the Export Name field. If you have already created your Microsoft 365 users then you will just need to enter their username.
Select how much mail to migrate
CloudM Migrate lets you decide how much mail you'd like to migrate to your shiny new system.
If you are changing your email address as part of the migration you can verify that the domain names are correct here. You can also specify specific address replacements in the respective section of the advanced settings.
For more information on domain and address replacements, see this page.
Start your migration
We know that you may want to start your migration in the middle of the night, or over the weekend, but we don't expect you to stay up in order to do so. With CloudM Migrate, you can decide to schedule exactly when you'd like the migration to occur.
Start the migration.
Review your migration results
During the migration process, CloudM Migrate will report back in real time exactly who is being migrated and the items being processed. All you now need to do is sit back, relax and wait for your migration to complete.
Check the progress of your migration.
Once complete you can download a full report for your migration.