Initial backups
We automatically retry any items in the initial backup several times.
Initial backups can have one of the following statuses:
Successful - there were no errors, no option to Accept or Retry the backup
Completed with Errors - there were some errors but they were within the tolerance threshold (0.5%), no option to Accept or Retry (we will auto-accept)
Failed -
a) the whole initial backup job failed and the backup didn’t even start - option to Retry, no option to Accept
b) the initial backup job ran but the number of errors were outside of tolerance threshold - option to Retry or Accept (if accepted the status transitions to Completed with Errors)
What are failed exports/imports?
Failed exports - errors when reading data out of source and putting data into temporary storage (part of our migration functionality)
Failed imports - errors when reading from temporary storage and writing into cloud storage (part of our migration functionality)